You can hear all of our face melting rock music on iTunes, Spotify and Facebook and for something a bit more fancy join the queue for Ivan and the Wolves.

IVAN AND THE WOLVES are NICKO VAREY, BEN JONES and MR. MATT COOKE. So who is IVAN?! It's a long tail of betrayal, nudity, tragedy, some cool fight scenes and a gory ending but nobody ever finds out who it is... will you?

Feed Your Head: "Raw rough and ready indie-rock"

ROCK 'N ROLLY: "Cool, talented and effortlesly sexy"

Friday, 13 July 2012

All The New... News...

All The New... News...

How is it howling all? It's been such a long time. This blog has seemingly become neglected, dusty and so old you could bet that it was created before your grandmother was even born (smartasses please no literal retorts, this was merely an analogy).

Let's begin with the most exciting stuff: 

1. Our New EP 'One Nostalgic Afternoon With The Ghost On Trial..." has been released and can be found on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon. It's taken us a long time and sweat and blood and tears but it's got us to this point. We are expecting reviews to come in any day now.

2. Our third EP 'Animals', a self recorded, self released, self involved rocker is to be released mid-August and will contain fan favouries: Animals, Minnesota, Let Run! and My Pretty Insane Baby. 

3. The artwork for our latest EP is to be drawn by one of our fans... whoever it may be. The competition is open and the reward is £50, a free copy of our EPs and merchandise.

4. A new man on bass has arrived, Mr Ben Jones, what a sexy man he is.

More gigs are to be booked soon and revealed but we are taking a bit of time off to make sure everything is in working order, rehearsed and fresh for this new era of Ivan And The Wolves!