You can hear all of our face melting rock music on iTunes, Spotify and Facebook and for something a bit more fancy join the queue for Ivan and the Wolves.

IVAN AND THE WOLVES are NICKO VAREY, BEN JONES and MR. MATT COOKE. So who is IVAN?! It's a long tail of betrayal, nudity, tragedy, some cool fight scenes and a gory ending but nobody ever finds out who it is... will you?

Feed Your Head: "Raw rough and ready indie-rock"

ROCK 'N ROLLY: "Cool, talented and effortlesly sexy"

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Homelessness Without a Home 2/Sep/'10...

New day turns new month turns the first day of your life.. everyday, amiright? Well, thankfully it's not like that in Ivan And The Wolves. Since we've been back we've been damn busy. Our first gigs back in England were sweet and The Monarch and The Good Ship witnessed some experimentation with our set. We're switching it all around and making every gig different and every song, be sure to pay attention to lyrics ;-)

So this blog is dedicated to all those without a home because.. well, we're without a house. Luckily we have good friends and family but in the words of a little band this city really is a vampire. Meanwhile, we're using our time to book more gigs and get all the information out to you through our mailing list that we've set up.

As for the absolutely fabulous Ivan And The Wolves mailing list, we want to thank those who are signing up! It's been great meeting all you guys after gigs and we're hoping to see you all soon at up and coming gigs! Including those 3 girls in pink and the dancing king. Love it!

There's been a delay in the recordings. Standard eh? Our schedule is to hit the studio to record The Get Out Clause and Subdivisions on the 17th September (that night we're playing down in London Bridge)! Busy times and we're looking to getting new stuff out there for all to grace their ear holes.

As for now, don't be strangers.

Much love,
The lads;
Ivan And The Wolves

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